Empowerment Word Web NFT GIF Collection
This magickal collection of 42 (life, the universe and everything) 10 second animated looped gifs was created from a collaborative piece I made in VR based on the painting of Californian artist Jazmin Torres.
Using Tilt Brush in my Oculus Quest, I extended Jazmin's painting, and then went to have a 'look inside'.
The inside is a sort of magick Tardis, bigger than the outside, using a 'black box' trick I learned, and sparkles with all kinds of fire and life. Jazmin's painting reminded me of all the layers and connections we have, and the web by which we are all connected with golden gossamer threads. Words of Empowerment surround the viewer, designed to inspire and enlighten the spirit.
Which word do you most resonate with? What do you wish to have more of in your life?